Relationship issues

Intimate relationships play a central role in the human experience. We have a universal need to belong which is satisfied when close relationships are formed.

In some people, this need to form close relationships is suppressed. Typically this might happen when a person has had a poor experience of relationships and fears being hurt again. Getting emotionally close to someone involves vulnerability and trust, which can be frightening.

Others get into relationships that are ultimately harmful to them. For example, they might subconsciously choose partners who take too much from them or are emotionally unavailable.

All of us tend to repeat patterns from one intimate relationship to the next. Relationships are complex and difficult to navigate. Most of us received no teaching about how to be in relationships; we learnt by observing our parents/caregivers and through our own relationships with them. We adopted patterns of relating that we saw them use or that we needed to adopt to cope with them, whether healthy or unhealthy.

Whatever your relationship issue, counselling can help

If you are in a relationship and the issues you want to address are occurring there, it is probably most beneficial to come as a couple. If that isn’t possible, or if you aren’t in a relationship at the moment, then come on your own – our relationship therapists will be able to help you either way.

If you come as a couple, your counsellor will facilitate discussions between the two of you and will be able to see first hand any problematic dynamics within the relationship. They will help you to understand these and to adopt new ways of relating to each other.

Whether your relationship is gay or straight, monogamous or open, your therapist won’t judge you. Discussions in therapy are confidential. 

Our therapists don’t have an agenda to keep the two of you together; that is up to you to decide. If you choose to end your relationship, counselling can help you to do it with clear communication, without attacking each other or causing unnecessary distress to children if you have them.

Some of our relationship therapists are also trained in psychosexual therapy. If sexual issues are a concern for you, you may prefer to see one of them.

Issues commonly brought to relationship therapy

The issues we frequently see in relationship therapy include:

  • difficulty, or fear of, forming intimate relationships
  • frequent or explosive arguments
  • disagreements over parenting
  • deciding whether to split up
  • infidelity
  • loving one another but not feeling in love
  • communication difficulties
  • sexual dissatisfaction or loss of interest in sex. 

Our clients have reported great results!

Mr K
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“I was attending sessions at One Therapy practice for about 1 1/2 years. I am very happy with the result, sessions there really helped me. I am really grateful to my therapist. Someone recommended him to me as a high professional and it proved right, thank you.”
Mrs M
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“I can only provide positive comments on my sessions with (my therapist). This was my first experience with a therapist, and she managed to make me feel comfortable. And I must say that the sessions were helpful and efficient.”
Mrs E
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“My therapist was extremely helpful, considerate and understanding. I felt she properly understood what the issues I had were, and their underlying causes, and I feel I benefited considerably from the sessions with her.”
Mrs N
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“I immediately felt completely at ease as they were very professional while showing genuine care and interest in helping me. I was able to confront many issues which I had so far chosen to ignore despite their negative effects on my personal relationships and happiness. I would have no hesitation in recommending (One Therapy) to anyone looking to improve their relationships and self-esteem.”
Mrs L
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“I learned a lot about myself and about the relationships I make with other people. I was able to see where I was going wrong and I now make better personal choices. Thank you, again.”
Mrs R
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“I can’t thank you enough for the help and support I got from my appointments. I would highly recommend therapy to anyone now. Therapy helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Please tell (my therapist) how grateful I am for her help.”

Taking the next step to improve your relationships

Starting relationship therapy can be difficult. It means facing up to the problems in your relationship and you (or your partner) may feel scared to do that. Often, couples put off coming to therapy until their relationship has reached a point of crisis, when animosity has built up or one partner has already checked out. Counselling is still helpful at that stage, but it’s better to come to therapy before things reach that point.

If you (or your partner) is resistant to starting therapy, an initial consultation may put your mind at ease. You will see that our therapists are supportive and non-judgmental. We choose our therapists carefully, hiring only those who are warm, empathic and knowledgeable. They create a safe space in which you can share your hurts, worries and hopes. They will help you to understand each other and to feel heard. 

There is no obligation to continue with therapy after the initial consultation; it’s your opportunity to decide whether it’s the right thing for you.

You can book your initial consultation online, or contact us here. We want to help.

What to expect in couples counselling

I’m often struck by the anxiety that I see on the faces of clients when they come to their first couples counselling appointment. They are invariably wondering what’s going to happen. Will they have to reveal things they don’t want to say in front of their partner? Will their…

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Facing sexual issues

Sexual issues are common. Sex taps into many different parts of us: the emotional, the physical, the psychological and even the spiritual. The opportunity for something to go wrong in our sexual wiring is great. Most people will experience some kind of sexual dysfunction at some point in…

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Counselling for individuals

Personal counselling can be about anything that is on your mind.

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Couples counselling

Couples counselling provides space for couples to discuss problems in their relationship and find solutions.

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Our therapists

We have over 30 qualified and experienced therapists to choose from.

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One Therapy London

Counselling, psychotherapy, couples counselling in London since 2006

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Andreea Gligore

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Oxford Circus


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Roz Urquhart

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Stamatia Lorentzou

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Ben Brackenbury

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Toulla Nicolaides

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Janis Dellner

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Oxford Circus