Transgender issues

Transgender people feel a mismatch between their internal sense of gender and the sex of their body.

Gender can be described as our sense of maleness or femaleness, or we may not feel particularly aligned with either. 

Trans people sometimes sometimes struggle with being treated as a different gender to the one they know they are. This can be extremely confusing and distressing, particularly in children who don’t yet have the knowledge or language to make sense of what they are experiencing.

Gender identity is separate from sexual orientation.

Living as a trans person

Living as a transgender person can be challenging. Before coming out they may experience:

  • confusion
  • hatred of their appearance
  • self-disgust
  • particular distress around bodily changes in puberty.

Coming out as trans may be a relief, but it also opens them up to:

  • bullying and abuse
  • discrimination at work
  • rejection by family or friends.

Some transgender people use hormones or surgery to alter their bodies to match their gender. Some do not, and some choose to change some parts of their bodies but not others. This is a personal choice.

For those who do wish to transition, the process can be long and distressing. Before being offered surgery, trans people are required to live as their true gender. NHS waiting lists for medical treatment are very long.

Our clients have reported great results!

Mr K
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“I was attending sessions at One Therapy practice for about 1 1/2 years. I am very happy with the result, sessions there really helped me. I am really grateful to my therapist. Someone recommended him to me as a high professional and it proved right, thank you.”
Mrs M
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“I can only provide positive comments on my sessions with (my therapist). This was my first experience with a therapist, and she managed to make me feel comfortable. And I must say that the sessions were helpful and efficient.”
Mrs E
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“My therapist was extremely helpful, considerate and understanding. I felt she properly understood what the issues I had were, and their underlying causes, and I feel I benefited considerably from the sessions with her.”
Mrs N
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“I immediately felt completely at ease as they were very professional while showing genuine care and interest in helping me. I was able to confront many issues which I had so far chosen to ignore despite their negative effects on my personal relationships and happiness. I would have no hesitation in recommending (One Therapy) to anyone looking to improve their relationships and self-esteem.”
Mrs L
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“I learned a lot about myself and about the relationships I make with other people. I was able to see where I was going wrong and I now make better personal choices. Thank you, again.”
Mrs R
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“I can’t thank you enough for the help and support I got from my appointments. I would highly recommend therapy to anyone now. Therapy helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Please tell (my therapist) how grateful I am for her help.”

Counselling needs to be trans-aware

Awareness of trans issues in society is fairly low; many people don’t understand what’s involved or what language is appropriate. Understandably, many trans clients don’t want to spend their therapy sessions educating their therapist; they want to work with therapists who already understand trans issues. 

Many of our therapists are experienced in this area, and we have held internal training on working with trans clients. 

We also understand that trans people aren’t just trans! The issues that you bring to therapy may have nothing to do with being trans.

It shouldn’t need saying, but no therapist should ever try to change a trans client’s gender identity. None of ours would.

Getting started with trans counselling

Your first appointment will provide an opportunity to speak with a therapist about your concerns. Your therapist will help determine how we might best support you and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

If you are looking for a therapist experienced in working with trans clients, take a look through our profiles or contact us.

Appointments are usually available within one week of your initial contact.

What to expect in counselling

When I trained as a psychotherapist, me and my fellow students were given the assignment of doing something we’d never done before. The course tutors wanted us to get in touch with how scary it can be to do something new, to feel the fear of the unknown. I chose to …

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How does therapy help?

Over the years that I’ve worked as a therapist, I’ve been asked numerous times by prospective clients, “How does counselling help?”  And I’ve yet to come up with a satisfactory answer. Not because I’m in any doubt that it helps, but because the ‘how’ bit is so hard to articulate concisely…

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Counselling for individuals

Personal counselling can be about anything that is on your mind.

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Couples counselling

Couples counselling provides space for couples to discuss problems in their relationship and find solutions.

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Our therapists

We have over 30 qualified and experienced therapists to choose from.

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One Therapy London

Counselling, psychotherapy, couples counselling in London since 2006

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Oxford Circus