Sexual problems

Sexual problems affect many people, but we don't tend to talk about them. They are often experienced as isolating and very distressing.

Sex is complex. It has biological, psychological and emotional components. Some sexual problems are purely physical, resulting from a disability, an illness or side effects from medication, for example. Your GP can discuss options for treatment of these types of sexual problems.

However, most sexual problems are psychological.

Why is sex difficult for many people?

Sexual problems are typically caused by one or more of:

  • growing up hearing negative messages about sex, for example that it is dirty or immoral
  • poor sex education
  • past sexual trauma
  • hormonal changes, for example during pregnancy or menopause
  • previous negative sexual encounters
  • relationship issues
  • low self-confidence
  • anxiety
  • difficulty relaxing

Anxiety plays a large part in sexual problems. It is very hard to have enjoyable, satisfying sex if you are anxious. For this reason, sexual problems tend to be cyclical. Once you have a bad sexual experience, anxiety about it happening again can make it harder to relax and enjoy your next sexual experience.

Another key factor is the fact that sex and sexual problems are not openly discussed in our society. People experiencing sexual problems often don’t realise just how many other people are going through the same thing, or that sexual problems can be successfully treated. 

In relationships, discussing sex can feel awkward and scary. People will often avoid sex rather than discuss it. This allows problems to fester and worsen with time.

When two people with differing libidos and sexual preferences come together in a relationship, there are bound to be some points of friction. One partner may want to try sexual acts that the other isn’t comfortable with. One may want to open up the relationship while the other prefers monogamy. Or one partner may simply want sex more often than the other. Sometimes these differences can be worked out, but sometimes they cause the sexual relationship to break down.

Our clients have reported great results!

Mr K
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“I was attending sessions at One Therapy practice for about 1 1/2 years. I am very happy with the result, sessions there really helped me. I am really grateful to my therapist. Someone recommended him to me as a high professional and it proved right, thank you.”
Mrs M
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“I can only provide positive comments on my sessions with (my therapist). This was my first experience with a therapist, and she managed to make me feel comfortable. And I must say that the sessions were helpful and efficient.”
Mrs E
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“My therapist was extremely helpful, considerate and understanding. I felt she properly understood what the issues I had were, and their underlying causes, and I feel I benefited considerably from the sessions with her.”
Mrs N
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“I immediately felt completely at ease as they were very professional while showing genuine care and interest in helping me. I was able to confront many issues which I had so far chosen to ignore despite their negative effects on my personal relationships and happiness. I would have no hesitation in recommending (One Therapy) to anyone looking to improve their relationships and self-esteem.”
Mrs L
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“I learned a lot about myself and about the relationships I make with other people. I was able to see where I was going wrong and I now make better personal choices. Thank you, again.”
Mrs R
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“I can’t thank you enough for the help and support I got from my appointments. I would highly recommend therapy to anyone now. Therapy helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Please tell (my therapist) how grateful I am for her help.”

Counselling for sexual problems

Counselling for sexual problems can be undertaken on your own or with your partner. It can be with a psychotherapist, a relationship therapist or a psychosexual therapist. Psychosexual therapists have had further training in sexual issues and are knowledgeable in how to treat particular sexual issues. These include:

  • loss of desire
  • premature ejaculation
  • painful sex
  • erectile problems
  • vaginismus
  • inability to orgasm.
Whichever therapist you see, you will be treated with respect, empathy and warmth. Our therapists won’t judge you for your sexual preferences, your sexual experience (or lack of) or anything else. We are experienced in working with a wide range of sexual practices, including gay and straight, kink and polyamory. If you prefer to speak to a male or female therapist, just let us know when setting up your first appointment.

The thought of discussing sex with a stranger may be off-putting. Experienced therapists are used to these sensitive conversations. They use straightforward, culturally-appropriate language and quickly put you at ease. Most clients are surprised by how quickly their initial anxiety is alleviated. Counselling sessions are always confidential.

To take the next step, please contact us.

You need not suffer with your sexual problem alone – let us help

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One Therapy London

Counselling, psychotherapy, couples counselling in London since 2006

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